NAOC Postponement
Orienteering USA and Orienteering Canada, with approval from the IOF, have made the decision to postpone the next two North American Orienteering Championships (NAOC). Organizers of both events are in full agreement.
The NAOCs in California will now be held in 2023 instead of this summer. The NAOCs scheduled for 2022 in Ottawa, Canada will move to 2024 or 2025.
California OFest, including NAOCs, in 2023 will be hosted with little change from what was planned – first for 2020 then for 2021, now for 2023. This summer Bay Area Orienteering Club (BAOC) will host an alternative event in the Lake Tahoe area for those who can travel and attend.
In Canada, due to COVID-19 restrictions, it has not been possible to get mapping done in time for a major 2022 event, so organizers have requested a move to after the CalOFest NAOCs. The final date of 2024 or 2025 is yet to be determined, but will be decided jointly by Orienteering Canada and Orienteering USA, in conjunction with the IOF.
A special thank you to organizers of all orienteering events who have had to make changes and adaptations because of COVID-19. It is you who keep our sport going!
We all look forward to when we can gather and orienteer again without any restrictions!
Anne Teutsch
Orienteering Canada | Course d’orientation Canada
Clare Durand
Orienteering USA