Virtual AGM – 2024

The 2024 Orienteering USA Annual General Meeting will take place online on Tuesday, September 24 from 8:00 to 10:00 pm (EDT) via Google Meet.

Your membership in Orienteering USA helps us to bring programs and services to orienteers and clubs throughout the country. Thank you for your support.


Clare Durand
President, Orienteering USA

Access the meeting

Online: September 24, 8:00-10:00 pm EDT
Note: Delegates should log in 20-30 minutes early for credentialing.
This will allow the meeting to start ontime.
Phone: (US) +1 650-779-0131‬ PIN: ‪560 916 595‬#


Club Membership Lists

As outlined in the OUSA Bylaws, the number of votes your club’s delegates may cast is based on the number of OUSA members in good standing, designating your club as their primary club, as of July 30, 2024.

All clubs are afforded 1 delegate and 1 alternate. For clubs with more than 25 members, they can choose to have 1 additional delegate and 1 additional alternate for every block of 25 members.

You can find a list of your club members in good standing online here

Please notify the OUSA Office of the names of your delegates and alternates. The delegate appointments should be emailed from a club officer to

Delegates and alternates representing your club must be OUSA members, designating your club as their primary club, as of July 31, 2024.

Your club may assign its votes by proxy to another club. The proxy will only be valid if no OUSA-primary member of your club will be present at the AGM. Proxies may not be assigned to a particular member of another club. Email proxy assignments to:

Club Proposals

Club Proposal on Punching Systems

Club Proposal on Age Classes

Check your personal memberships

The upcoming AGM presents a good time for all OUSA members to be sure that their information is current in our database. We recommend that you login to our portal and check your profile to be sure that it is accurate. There are known issues in our system that we are still working on. Checking for accuracy is especially recommended if you have family memberships or if you use the auto-renew feature.

Board Candidate Bios

We are still looking for candidates for the fourth open seat. If you are interested in serving, please

Lily Addicott 2024 – Nomination for the OUSA Board of Directors

Hello! My name is Lily Addicott, I am 21 years old, and I am a senior microbiology student at Clemson University. I began orienteering when I was 14 on my NJROTC’s orienteering team. I found success at Navy NJROTC nationals which inspired me to pursue the U.S. National Team. I have been on the National Team for three years and have loved every second of it. Orienteering has blossomed into one of my biggest passions in life, and I want to give back as much as I can to my community.

I am in the midst of my third year of membership with OUSA, and I try to stay very active with my local club, GAOC. I also help with the Youth Development Program by leading NRE course reviews, and I am working on my coaching certification. I have begun learning how to map as well, and I am working on a local and YMP map. If elected, my biggest focus would be to help grow the sport of orienteering in the United States, with a particular interest in supporting the youth. I am unique in that I am very young with much to learn, but I come with the fresh, nuanced perspective of a newcomer and a junior team member. Making this wonderful sport easily accessible and welcoming is important to me, and I would love to make that my priority on the board. My recreational pursuits already reflect these goals as last year I helped a group of students at my university to start orienteering in which I organized travel and taught.

Faye Doria

Board incumbent Faye Doria, VP of Finance, is running for reelection.

Matthew Robbins

Board incumbent Matthew Robbins is running for reelection.

Incumbent bios can be found with the information from the 2021 AGM.