St Mary’s College Sprint NRE Recap
On Sunday, October 24th, the Bay Area Orienteering Club (BAOC) exercised its option for a fee-waiver NRE and brought a sprint double-header to Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, CA. Originally scheduled for 2020 but deferred due to the pandemic, this event featured dual sprints in a qualifier/final format and two distances – “Expert” which covered all classes normally run on White-Green and an “Elite” course inclusive of the normal Red and Blue classes – 4 courses in total. The official event page on the BAOC website provides additional details.
The typical dry Bay Area weather took a turn however and a “Pineapple Express” weather event funneled a so-called atmospheric river of moisture into the Bay Area over the weekend forcing the cancellation of many events. But orienteers are an intrepid sort, and the event went ahead as scheduled, moist though it may have been.
From Elite winner AJ Riley: “Sprint at St. Mary’s College. She has a cool college.” Well said…
- Event Page
- Results: Qualifier | Final
- Maps
- Photos (courtesy of Jay Hann) posted at OUSA Facebook | Instagram

Reminder: All Orienteering USA Regular Clubs can apply to sanction one “fee waiver” NRE event each calendar year. We know all our clubs regularly host top quality local events, why not pick one event each year to offer as a National Ranking Event without the added sanctioning fees. Entice more participants from beyond your local area to come and test themselves against your favorite local terrain.