New EventReg Administrator: Videlin Aleksiev

Orienteering USA welcomes Videlin Aleksiev from the Quantico Orienteering Club as its new EventReg Administrator. In his new role with OUSA, Videlin will serve as the primary club contact for the Event Register system and will work closely with registrars to facilitate using the system for their events.  He began orienteering as a youth in Bulgaria over 35 years ago and competes at both the local and national level in the US with his family including daughter Diana who is a member of the 2020 US JWOC Team.

OUSA Board of Directors – Call for Nominations

This fall, Orienteering USA will hold it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). At that meeting, there will be voting for at least three openings on the OUSA Board of Directors.

The term of office for a Board member is three years. To be considered, you must have been a member of the Federation for at least one year, and must have been active in orienteering either by active involvement in a local club or by prominent Federation work such as committee membership, publications, etc. It is also expected that you will generally attend Board meetings, either in person or by teleconference.

The duties of the Board of Directors are:

  1. Select OUSA officers and plan for management succession.
  2. Set policy and provide guidance and strategic direction to management
  3. Review and approve the Federation strategic plan and annual operating plans, budgets, and other business plans
  4. Oversee the financial reporting process, including selection of auditors, audit and control policies, and follow up on audit recommendations.
  5. Approve financial strategies, borrowing commitments, and long-range financial planning
  6. Monitor the Federation’s compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and the performance of its responsibilities as the National Governing Body of orienteering in the United States
  7. Ensure that the Board and management are prepared to act in case of an unforeseen crisis (disaster planning).

OUSA has a Nominating Committee that will present some candidates at the AGM. If you meet the above qualifications, and have an interest, please present your name and orienteering background to the head of the Sanctioning Committee (William Jameson,, (803)804-7364) by 15 AUG. A phone interview will follow.

SARS-COV2 Recommendations – DRAFT for review

Orienteering USA’s SARS-COV2 Task Force is currently developing recommendations for holding events at both the local and national level in light of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic.  The Task Force recently released a DRAFT document for comments.   Comments from the orienteering community can be made directly on the document for others to see. 

The Board will review these recommendations in late July before setting a policy.  Please consider it from the perspective of both an event organizer and a participant. Think about how safe you would feel.  Let us know if sections are more restrictive, or not restrictive enough. Are important points missing?, or do points need to be moved between Recommendations and Suggestions.  You can make your edits directly on the document as “suggestions”.

2020 JWOC Team Announced

The JWOC selection committee is excited to announce the athletes who have been chosen to compete in the 2020 Junior World Championships. We realize that the world situation with COVID 19 means that the champs may or may not happen and that the timing may be sub-optimal for athletes especially who live in the US because the postponed date falls right in the middle of the fall school semester. Even so we have decided to choose a team in case there is an opportunity for our athletes to represent the US at the world champs. We understand that selected athletes may not be able to attend and that the team size could potentially be reduced due to the current situation. In this case the team coach will have the final say in giving alternates in the designated order a chance to step up based on his evaluation of where they are at leading up to the championships.

This year was quite a hard decision for the selection committee because we had almost no recent high level racing data and most of the head to head racing data came from last summer or spring. The committee used the petition process rubric as a guideline to support their decision making. The committee prioritized current physical fitness levels by way of recent 3k time trials, training volume and consistency from training logs, previous race experience, and overall competitive experience. As always the last spots and alternate positions are very tough to decide, particularly given the circumstances of this year. We deeply regret that all the athletes didn’t get the chance they usually would to prove their ability at trials races. The selection committee is nevertheless pleased to announce the follow teams and alternates.

– Keegan Harkavy
– Thomas Laraia
– Aidan Minto
– Anthony Riley
– David Runde
– Adrian Vartia
Alternate: Kai Mihata 

– Diana Aleksieva
– Julia Doubson
– Bridget Hall
– Kirsten Mayland
– Alexis Merka
– Emilia Schmidt
Alternates: Annika Mihata, Christiane Fletcher, Jessica Colleran

Thank you to all the athletes who tried out and for all the hard work. We encourage everyone to keep working hard; you never know when the breakthroughs will come.

Best of luck. Sincerely

The JWOC Selection Committee of Jon Torrance, Greg Ahlswede, Erin Schirm


Orienteering USA is setting up a task force to formulate national recommendations for how to minimize the risk of SARS-COV2 transmission during local and National Ranking Events.  The task force will be chaired by OUSA VPs Joseph Huberman and Jon Torrance.  Any OUSA member with significant experience organizing orienteering events can serve on the committee but it would be particularly helpful if someone with expertise in infection control is willing to step forward.

If you are interested in serving on the task force, email Joseph & Jon ( & no later than Wednesday, June 10.

OUSA Youth Mapping Program

Hello OUSA clubs & affiliates,

The Youth Mapping Program (YMP) Committee would like to call your attention to this relatively new national outreach grant program to help match mappers with schools and other youth nonprofit organizations who want to create small sized maps for orienteering teaching purposes. This is an excellent twofold way to grow orienteering in your community through
schools and other non-profit youth based programs, while supporting your mappers, extending the reach of projects available for hire. Applications for mappers and schools are at the bottom of this message.

Announced last year on the OUSA website, already 20 + organizations have requested a map and a short list of mappers have applied. The first round of matching and grant funding was awarded in January 2020, as a small test sample of the program. We are now ready to expand this program, continuing to review applicants for matching and funding on a quarterly basis. Our next round will be awarded this summer.

Mappers do not need to physically go to the site to create a map, but by using online resources and cartography software, will work with a designated representative from the youth organization as “eyes on the ground” to get the terrain physically checked over. The mapper will work with an OUSA YMP consultant to ensure the map meets the published guidelines. Schools and youth organizations will be requested to define the areas and size they want mapped, from school grounds to local parks. They will be assisted with any questions by this committee regarding suitability and scope of the project. We hope to get as many small teaching maps into the hands of youth and educators as possible through this program.

Please pass this message along to any and all that you feel would benefit from this program. Orienteering clubs, please reach out to invite all members, particularly those with children or ties to schools to get involved locally with outreach to promote this national, grant assisted Youth Mapping Program. Applications are ongoing, with a June 30th deadline to be considered for Round 2.

To learn about this opportunity, please go to this link. Grant Rubric information for map project suitability is listed in the side menu. Note: Link updated 8 January 2021

Mappers who would like to join the program should apply here.
Schools and youth organizations who would like a map to help teach orienteering should apply here.

Eileen Breseman, YMP Committee Member

Updated OUSA Abuse and Misconduct Policy

The federal SafeSport Act of 2017 requires organizations that participate in interstate or international amateur athletic competitions and whose membership includes any adult who is in regular contact with an amateur athlete who is a minor, to have a policy on abuse and misconduct. In a virtual meeting on June 1st, the Orienteering USA board of directors approved updates to the organizational policy that addresses potential abuse and misconduct in our sport.

The full policy can be viewed here.

DIY Orienteering in the Coronavirus Era

While we may not be getting back to our regular orienteering schedules as soon as we might prefer, many clubs have developed an array of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) orienteering options in compliance with gradual relaxing of restrictions on travel and small group activities, especially outdoors. Here at OrienteeringUSA, we have also noticed an uptick in inquiries from the general public about how to try orienteering so this is a great time to review our social-distance-friendly options.

We have begun adding DIY courses to the OUSA website on the Permanent Course page with convenient Google Locator Map. These will include both short-term DIY courses with flags and/or streamers in the woods as well as flag-less electronic courses using UsynligO or O-Range electronic punching.

In order that we may provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive listing of current events and drive potential new orienteers to your club website and events, we would like to ask the event/mapping coordinators in our member clubs to assist us with the following items:

  1. Please review the OUSA Permanent Course maps for your area
    • Confirm the currently listed permanent courses and details (club web page URL, location etc) are correct
    • Advise us if any courses are no longer in use so we can remove them from the map
    • Let us know when you add new maps / courses to your clubs offerings to keep the map current
  2. Update: As of Aug 15, 2020 we are reverting the permanent course listing to just normal permanent courses. Short-term DIY courses should be promoted on your local club web page as appropriate.

Email information to

Permanent Course at Hurd SP, East Hampton, CT

EventReg Administrator Wanted

(Position is Closed – Following is for reference only)

Orienteering USA seeks a part-time at-home contractor to serve as the Event
Register Administrator.

Duties to include:

  • Serve as the primary interface to OUSA clubs for Event Register
  • Assist event registrars with their events, as needed
  • Serve as primary manager for Github team developing Event Register code
  • Make minor bug fixes as necessary
  • Work closely with the OUSA Tech committee on EventReg projects and usage
  • Other duties as assigned

Desired Skills:

  • Clear and timely communicator
  • Customer service skills
  • Software and database development including PHP and MySQL
  • Software development management: ability to work with and manage others on a development team
  • Organizational skills. Ability to track and report on bug reports, feature requests, and development projects.
  • Knowledge of the sport of orienteering (experience with orienteering/sports registration a plus)

Note: Event Register is the property of Orienteering USA. Any future code
improvements and/or changes are the property of OUSA.

Salary and Budget:

  • Expected Average 10 to 15 hours a month
  • Proposed rate – $250/month = $3,000/year
    • Larger development projects to be budgeted separately

Please send resume and cover letter via email to Clare
Durand, by June 15, 2020.
Deadline extended to June 20th, 2020.

OUSA Safety Recommendations for Do-It-Yourself Orienteering Events

With physical distancing necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19, orienteering clubs are turning to Do-It-Yourself events as one way to continue to provide orienteering for their members and the public. Orienteering USA wants to make sure that such events are handled in a safe manner to protect our members and our organization’s liability.

A Do-It-Yourself event involves participants going to terrain and running a course when they choose. There would not be any on-site event management while the participant is running. This includes both permanent courses and temporary courses without any management on-site.

Liability Waivers

It is important that participants on Do-It-Yourself courses accept personal responsibility for their safety and release the club, the landowner, and OUSA from liability. Some ways to accomplish this include:

  • Require signing of a waiver via a registration portal before being granted access to the map.
  • Post the waiver on the same page as the map download with clear language that downloading the map serves as agreement to the waiver.
  • Print the waiver on the map itself with clear language that possession of the map serves as agreement to the waiver.

Safety of Participants

We want our participants to have a positive orienteering experience and to come back safe and healthy. For Do-It-Yourself courses it is important that we provide participants with the tools to do so responsibly. It is recommended that clubs provide the following guidance for Do-It-Yourself events:

  • Very clear information on the technical and physical difficulty of the course(s) with a reminder that management will not be on site and participants should choose a course suitable for their skill level and level of fitness.
  • Participants should make sure someone knows where they are going and when they are expected to return. A copy of the map left in their car or with a friend will be useful if search and rescue becomes necessary. Clubs may wish to implement some sort of virtual check-in/check-out procedure or leave it up to the participant to take responsibility for this themselves.
  • Instructions on how to summon emergency assistance in the area of the course and how to get to the nearest hospital. Be very clear on whether cell phone service is available on the course.
  • A reminder to carry an emergency whistle and water.