Roundtable 8pm EST Jan 18, 2020, on Strategic Plan

Help the OUSA Board develop a Strategic Plan for OUSA.

The Board will host a roundtable at the Georgia Navigator Cup to present results from the Strategic Planning Survey and solicit responses from the membership.

Where: Covington Hampton Inn – event hotel meeting room

When: 8:00 pm, Saturday, January 18, 2020

After Saturday’s event, at 8:00 pm Tori Campbell will present the results of a survey we conducted last fall. What! You didn’t get the survey? Well this is your chance to participate because a discussion will follow the presentation. We want your input.

Teleconference info for those unable to attend in person:

Join Hangouts Meet

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers

(‪US‬)‪+1 414-622-0109

PIN: ‪179 460 696#

New Technology Capabilities for Member Clubs

Orienteering USA is pleased to announce new technology capabilities available for its member clubs.  Due to licensing stipulations, these capabilities are only available for certified nonprofit (501(c)3) clubs.  All of these capabilities are provided for free.  Orienteering USA will assist with setup of the capability.


Subdomain of

Your club can have the option to use their own unique subdomain and point it to their website. (A subdomain is the portion prior to the ‘’ portion of the URL.) This option can save you from purchasing your own domain or having to pay to add a second address to your existing domain. Some clubs currently use the ‘’ URL for this same.  Shifting to would keep a better continuity of websites.  (e.g., but ‘eventreg’ would be your club’s acronym)

Google team drive for document storage

A Google team drive is a shared space that allows teams (organizations) to store documents and easily search for them.  It also allows all members to access the drive.  This drive belongs to the entire team instead of an individual as in the personal drive.


  • 500GB data storage
  • Club’s self management of access
  • OrienteeringUSA support upon lockout/loss of access
  • Anyone can access any document with appropriate permissions
  • Individual files sharable with anyone
  • File version control is integrated


  • Only individuals with a google account can modify documents

Google group for group mailing list management (e.g. contact list / group inbox)

A Google group is a group of email addresses that can be used for a specific purpose.  A google group can be configured to act as a group inbox (e.g. where a question is sent to an email address and is then distributed to multiple people instead of one) or as a contact list (e.g. an announcement is sent by a club representative to all those in the club wishing to receive those announcements.


  • Club’s self-management of access
  • group address (not
  • Restrict email addresses that can send out/receive to the contact list
  • OrienteeringUSA support upon lockout/loss of access
  • Individual subscribe/unsubscribe available


  • Only individuals with a google account can modify the entire distribution list

Google Calendar

Clubs can also manage their own Google Calendars. Share event, meeting and training schedules or whatever is most useful for the club.


  • Club’s self management of access
  • Allow anyone to view calendars as desired

Procedure for requesting support

Send an email to containing:

  • Subject: Google Workspace for our club
  • contact information of the person or people in the club who will receive admin accounts in the secondary domain.
    • First name, last name, OUSA member email (to receive invitation)

For a subdomain:

  • IP Address of the server, if redirecting to your existing site
  • Or let us know if you’d like to use Google Sites

For Google Groups:

  • Refer to the user documentation for managing groups

Apply for a Wilson Award by February 15

Established to honor the memory of Iain Wilson, up to three $1000 awards will be presented this spring, in the form of travel grants to junior athletes and/or as a grant towards community growth via orienteering. More information and a link to the application forms can be found on our Recognition page.

OUSA Junior National Coach Job Search – CLOSED

NOTE: This position is now closed. The following information is for archival reference purposes only.

Orienteering USA (OUSA) seeks a Junior National Coach for its National Junior Program (NJP). The program is led and administered by the Junior Team Executive Steering Committee (JTESC).

General job description

The overarching objectives of the Junior National Coach role are to provide quality coaching and programs for young athletes, and to develop stronger young athletes, committed to orienteering and to forming a strong community of supportive team members.The Junior National Coach will work directly with the athletes in the NJP, as well as with the JTESC pool of coaches and mentors, in order to reach these objectives.


Assist with review of athlete applications:

  • Work with JTESC in reviewing the NJP Information and application prior to publication for the next program year. *
  • Review submitted applications from athletes regarding performance targets and make recommendations to JTESC about athlete placement. *

Athlete Follow-up:

  • Review athletes’ training plans for the coming season *
  • Assist athletes new to the program in creating and following their training plan
  • Provide feedback
  • Work with all NJP athletes to identify a local coach either from their home club or from the national pool of coaches and mentors.
  • Monitor JNT athletes’ training logs on Attackpoint (AP) and help them find an “AP-mentor,” if necessary
  • Coordinate and distribute exercises from the Training Subscription Service to the athletes and their local coaches
  • Oversee course reviews and/or camps at National Ranking Events and major other camps, either personally or by working with others
  • Attend monthly team conference calls, helping to create better team cohesion and responding to members’ questions


  • Lead the JWOC Selection Committee, the petition process, and the JWOC team announcement
  • Set up training calls for the JWOC team and alternates
  • Either travel to JWOC (including the on-location pre-JWOC training) as lead coach or coordinate alternate coaches or mentors to ensure best possible support to the athletes as individuals and as a team
  • work with JTESC to ensure all organizational requirements are met. Remuneration for the pre-JWOC training and JWOC attendance as coach is in addition to the basic compensation


  • Either travel to NAOC as the Junior National Coach, or work with alternate coaches or mentors in order to provide the best support to the athletes as individuals and as a team
  • Work on identifying the best team composition
  • Work with JTESC to ensure all organizational requirements are met. Remuneration for NAOC attendance as coach is in addition to the basic compensation.


Participate as a contributing member of JTESC to the continued growth and improvement of OUSA’s National Junior Program.

* These three tasks have already been completed by outgoing coaches for the start of 2020.


  • Have a SafeSport-Trained certificate
  • Coaching experience (experience with athletes between the ages of 13-20 preferred)
  • The successful applicant is expected to use their own computer, cell phone, internet connection, driver’s license, etc., to fulfill the duties of this role.

Desired skills/qualifications

  • Demonstrated high level technical knowledge of orienteering principles
  • Strong orienteering/map reading skills
  • Capable of using mapping and/or course-design software to produce training exercises
  • Experienced with athletic competitions abroad
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Capable of designing training plans to support physical, technical, and psychological development
  • Capable of tailoring athlete goals and plans to meet individual strengths and needs
  • Demonstrated ability to build a sense of team unity and good sportsmanship
  • Patience and understanding


$5,000.00 February through September 2020.

Expect approximately 40 hours per month, but keep in mind that the workload varies.

Applying for this position

Please send a letter expressing your interest and your background in orienteering and a short résumé of your experience in elite orienteering and coaching to the OUSA Junior Program.

CLOSED – Communications Manager Wanted

NOTE: This position is now closed. The following information is for archival reference purposes only.

Orienteering USA seeks a part-time at-home contractor to serve as Communications Manager.

Duties to include:

  • Serve as OUSA website content manager
  • Prepare and publish monthly OUSA email newsletter
  • Administer OUSA social media accounts
  • Create content for all OUSA communication outlets
  • Prepare and publish an annual hardcopy magazine for OUSA members
  • Other duties as assigned

Candidates should have a computer with internet access. Experience with website and social media administration, writing, and publishing preferred.

Salary of $800/month plus some travel budget to cover OUSA competitions. 

Please send resume and cover letter via email to Clare Durand, by January 24, 2020.

CLOSED – OUSA Seeks Part-time Administrator

NOTE: This position is now closed. The following information is for archival reference purposes only.

Orienteering USA (OUSA) seeks a part-time at-home contractor to handle administrative functions.

Duties to include:

  • Serve as the primary OUSA office contact.
  • Handle deposits, invoices, and check requests and interfacing with OUSA accountants to ensure processing.
  • Serve as OUSA membership administrator.
  • Administer the club recharter process.
  • Handle Safesport training requests and maintain OUSA Safesport certification database.
  • Provide administrative support to the Board of Directors and committees as necessary. This includes attending board meetings approximately quarterly and preparations for the Annual General Meeting.
  • Other duties as assigned

Candidates should have a computer with internet access and experience using typical office suite software such as Microsoft Word/Excel or Google Docs/Sheets. Basic bookkeeping/accounting knowledge is a plus.

Salary of $500/month plus expenses, including travel to board meetings. 

Please send resume and cover letter via email to Clare Durand, by January 24, 2020.

2020 U.S. WOC Team Selection

Team Trials Rules and WOC Team Selection Criteria are now posted for the 2020 Sprint WOC to be held in Denmark in July.

U.S. (and Canadian) Team Trials will take place at the Sage Stomp, (link removed) May 16-18, 2020, in south-central British Columbia, Canada.

Draft Orienteering Development Model

Review Period through January 31, 2020

The Youth Development Working Group has completed its initial draft of the Orienteering Development Model (ODM), a long-term athlete development model based on the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee’s American Development Model.

The framework document is available for community review and comment here (Google Doc). Please provide feedback either through comments in the document, or by emailing by January 31, 2020.

We recognize we are not effective graphic designers.  If you can do better with either (or both) of our graphics, please do so.  The first is embedded in the framework document; the second is available for download here. (Don’t try to open it in Google; it is a PowerPoint file and can only be edited in PowerPoint, although you are also welcome to recreate it in a different file format.) If you have suggestions to share or problems with download, email

Thanks in advance for your input and suggestions!

Tori Campbell
VP, Youth Initiatives
Orienteering USA

Vote for 2019 Competitive Athlete Awards


Make your voice heard! Vote for Athlete of the Year, Junior of the Year, Comet, and Team of the Year. The deadline for voting is January 3rd. For more information regarding the program, including previous winners, click here.

Vote Now!

2020 National Team Applications

Application to the National Team is open to all athletes who meet the requirements of the Athlete Agreement and return a signed copy along with the application.  Please note the January 1 deadline for both documents. Documents are linked from the National Team page.