Roundtable 8pm EST Jan 18, 2020, on Strategic Plan
Help the OUSA Board develop a Strategic Plan for OUSA.
The Board will host a roundtable at the Georgia Navigator Cup to present results from the Strategic Planning Survey and solicit responses from the membership.
Where: Covington Hampton Inn – event hotel meeting room
When: 8:00 pm, Saturday, January 18, 2020
After Saturday’s event, at 8:00 pm Tori Campbell will present the results of a survey we conducted last fall. What! You didn’t get the survey? Well this is your chance to participate because a discussion will follow the presentation. We want your input.
Teleconference info for those unable to attend in person:
Join Hangouts Meet
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 414-622-0109
PIN: 179 460 696#