Team USA to Compete in World Trail Orienteering Championships 2022

Orienteering USA is pleased to announce the team competing in World Trail Orienteering Championships in Jelenia Gora, Poland, July 19th-23rd. The team is a mixture of youth and experience. The most experienced members of the team are David Irving (SDO), Sharon Crawford (RMOC), and Clare Durand (LAOC), whereas the newest team member, junior Jarmo Latva-Kokko (Age 16 from NEOC) is participating in his very first WTOC.

David is likely our biggest hope for strong placement in the paralympic category, but Jarmo is looking to turn some heads especially in the timed Temp-O event. He is already ranked 4th in the US in Temp-O and his performance in the Philadelphia training camp this May was impressive. Clare and Sharon bring lots of WTOC experience to the team and are hoping to improve on their personal best. Bob and Karen have less experience in competing in WTOC, but have done well in recent US ranking events. The team is looking to improve from past WTOC performances. Three of the selected team members were unable to go to Poland this year, but hopefully will participate in future.

Selected team:


  • Clare Durand (LAOC)
  • Sharon Crawford (RMOC)
  • Karen Dennis (SDO)
  • Bob Cooley (BAOC)
  • Jarmo Latva-Kokko (NEOC) Junior


  • David Irving (SDO)
  • Daniel Heimgartner (CRNA) unable to attend
  • Lee Kuxhaus (CRNA) unable to attend
  • Julius Schram (CRNA) unable to attend

Nikolay Nachev to represent TeamUSA at World MTBO Championships

The 2022 World Mountain Bike Orienteering Championships are just one of many international orienteering events going on this month and because OUSA’s Mountain Bike team is rather dormant right now, it might be easy to overlook these championships. But fear not mountain bike fans, TeamUSA will be represented in Falun, Sweden from July 15-20.

Orienteering USA is pleased to announce that Nikolay Nachev from the Cascade Orienteering Club in Seattle will represent TeamUSA at this years WMTBOC. Nikolay has been orienteering since childhood and his favorite orienteering disciplines are night-o, urban sprints and MTBO. Growing up he was on the Junior and University National teams in Bulgaria and has competed for TeamUSA in both Foot Orienteering and Ski Orienteering. Nikolay and his partner Ashley Blake were also the overall winners at the North American Rogaining Championships in Lake Tahoe last August. This will be Nikolay’s first MTBO World Championships though he did race interationally at last fall’s World Cup MTBO races in Abrantes, Portugal. 

Bikes have been close to heart for Nikolay since his move from Washington DC to Miami and helped him cope with the lack of orienteering in the Everglades. Since then, he has been part of a competitive road bike racing scene in the Pacific NW racing for Hagens-Berman and Avanti teams of Seattle. He has placed second at STP (the largest cycling event in the Northwest) a 200 mile ride from Seattle to Portland, and has completed multiple Ironman triathlons.

Nikolay keeps his MTBO skills sharp by competing in adventure races and by doing the local Street Scramble score-o series on his bike. We look forward to seeing what Nikolay can do in Sweden in a couple of weeks.

JWOC ’22 Portugal Event Recap

July 10-16, 2022

Summary: TeamUSA sent a strong team of 6 women and 4 men to Portugal this year to compete at JWOC ’22. A majority of the team arrived a week early and got in some solid training in the very hot and rocky terrain around Aguilar. Unfortunately, the extreme heat and fire danger would force the country to close all access to forested areas which effectively killed the middle, long and forest relay events for the competitors.

The organizing team pivoted to make the best of the situation and the sprint competition and sprint relays were held with some modifications (extra teams, unofficial teams) so everyone got a chance to run. Additionally a non-championship urban relay (3 person teams, Men’s & Women’s) was put together in a nearby town which included the twist of running through a local nursing home facility.

JWOC ’22 isn’t over yet though – the organizers did not hold a closing ceremony and plan to hold the canceled forest races in early November at the same venues. It will be a huge expense to send our team back to Portugal to round out the competition, but hopefully some of our TeamUSA athletes will be able to make the journey depending upon their school schedules. Stay tuned…

Update: JWOC ’22 Part 2 Team Announcement | JWOC ’22 Part 2 Event Recap

July 4-9, 2022 – Pre-JWOC Activity

Relay Mass Start Training

Sun July 10, 2022 – Opening Ceremony

  • Team Photo & Official Athlete Photos – Junior Team Facebook
  • Sprint Relay medal event added – Junior Team Facebook
    • TeamUSA will field 2 medal eligible teams – 2 Women/2 Men – teams tba
    • 2 TeamUSA women will tentatively run on an unofficial team with South Africa
    • Rumors of a possible non-championship 3-person sprint relay later in the week.

Mon July 11, 2022 – Sprint @ Carapito

1Elisa Mattila (FIN)14:57
2Lilly Graber (SUI)15:10
3Anna Karlova (CZE)15:16
76Bridget Hall19:01
123Lily Addicott21:56
133Zoe Sibthorp24:52
134Alexis Merka25:51
135Kirsten Mayland25:51
141Anna Campbell27:13
Women’s Sprint Results
1Axel Elmblad (SWE)13:45
2Tobias Alstad (NOR)14:11
3Mikkel Holt (NOR)14:13
108Keegan Harkavy18:01
125Victor Frolenko18:53
134Ben Brady19:46
149Holden Sopoti26:33
Men’s Sprint Results
Team USA Men at Accreditation (Jul 9)

Tue July 12, 2022 – Long @ Carapito

Forest Races cancelled due to high heat and fire risk.

Wed July 13, 2022 – Sprint Relay


Norway 1
Oda Scheele
Mikkel Holt
Tobias Alstad
Pia Young Vik

United States 1
Lily Addicott
Keegan Harkavy
Benjamin Brady
Bridget Hall

United States 2
Zoe Sibthorp
Victor Frolenko
Holden Sopoti
Kirsten Mayland

USA/RSA United States & South Africa
Alexis Merka
Simon Pienaar
Luke Schipholt
Anna Campbell
Sprint Relay Results
Team USA Medal Eligible Teams #1 & #2

Thu July 14, 2022 – Middle Qual @ Quinta das Lameiras

Forest Races cancelled due to high heat and fire risk.

Fri July 15, 2022 – Middle Final @ Quinta das Lameiras

Forest Races cancelled due to high heat and fire risk.

Sat July 16, 2022 – Urban Relay @ Dornelas

Forest Relay cancelled due to high heat and fire risk. A substitute (non-championship) urban relay was produced on short notice in the town of Dornelas.


Hungary 1
Boglarka Czako
Viktoria Mag
Rita Maramarosi

United States 1
Lily Addicott
Bridget Hall
Zoe Sibthorp

United States 2
Anna Campbell
Kirsten Mayland
Alexis Merka

France 1
Mathias Barros Vallet
Basile Basset
Guilhem Verove

United States 1
Keegan Harkavy
Benjamin Brady
Victor Frolenko

RSA/USA South Africa & United States
Connor Morrison
Simon Pienaar
Holden Sopoti
Urban Relay Results (non-championship)

Coming November 2022

No closing ceremony at this time. Decision was made to hold the forest races in early November. Hopefully some of our TeamUSA athletes can make the trip back to Portugal in the fall to close out JWOC 2022.

WOC ’22 Denmark Event Recap

June 26-30, 2022

  • Under Construction: Additional content to be added as it becomes available

Sun June 26, 2022 – Sprint Relay @ Kolding

Leg 1Tori Borish (24th)17:44 (+3:10)
Leg 2Ricardo Schaniel (25th)17:38 (+2:45)
Leg 3Joseph Barrett (27th)18:01 (+4:00)
Leg 4Evalin Brautigam (25th)18:38 (+4:40)
Place & time diff are per leg, not cumulative

Tue June 28, 2022 – Knock Out Sprint @ Fredericia

Women Qual AAlison Campbell (27th)12:21 (+2:40)
Women Qual BTori Borish (25th)12:02 (+1:59)
Women Qual CEvalin Brautigam (23rd)12:17 (+2:08)
Men Qual ASergei Rhzhkov (25th)10:55 (+1:13)
Men Qual BJoe Barrett (29th)11:40 (+1:44)
Men Qual CRicardo Schaniel (26th)11:25 (+1:20)
No TeamUSA Runners advanced to Quarter-Finals

Thu June 30, 2022 – Sprint @ Vejle

  • Maps – coming soon
  • Livestream Full Broadcast at IOF Youtube
  • Photos – coming soon
Women Qual AAlison Campbell (27th)16:00 (+4:04)
Women Qual BTori Borish (24th)15:09 (+3:03)
Women Qual CEvalin Brautigam (18th)14:26 (+1:50)
Men Qual ARicardo Schaniel (27th)13:57 (+2:19)
Men Qual BSergei Rhyhkov (28th)14:37 (+2:09)
Men Qual CJoe Barrett (24th)13:51 (+1:49)
No Team USA Runners qualified for Finals

TeamUSA Welcomes Newest Members

The Executive Steering Committee is pleased to announce the promotion of four athletes to the US National Team bringing the TeamUSA roster to 36 athletes for 2022.

Sergei will be competing in Denmark next month as part of our 6-person team at the 2022 Sprint World Orienteering Championships (WOC). In July, Anna & Holden will be part of our 10-person roster competing at the 2022 Junior World Championships (JWOC) in Portugal and Tyler joins our 12-person squad heading to Switzerland for the biennial 2022 World University Orienteering Championships (WUOC) in mid August.

We’re looking forward to a great summer of international racing with full teams traveling to all the major competitions, including the The World Games right here in the US. Congratulations to all the athletes on the 2022 TeamUSA Roster!!

Be sure to visit the National Team page on the website for details on all 2022 team members and the international events they have been selected for this year. Historical info on previous years teams can be found in the OUSA Library. Thanks to all the volunteers on the Executive Steering Committee and the various team selection committees for their efforts in putting together such a great roster of athletes to represent us!

2022 WUOC Team Announced

The selection committee for the World University Orienteering Championships (WUOC) is pleased to announce the 2022 team for this biennial competition. The committee members are Linda Kohn, Peggy Dickison, Will Enger and Jeff Saeger.

The competition will be held in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland from August 16-21, 2022 and is open to athletes between ages 18 & 25 that are currently registered in a degree/diploma granting program of study at a recognized institution of higher learning or having earned said degree within the prior 12 month period.

Congratulations to the following athletes who have been selected to represent TeamUSA at this year’s World University Orienteering Championships!!

  • Men
    • Keegan Harkavy
    • Thomas Laraia
    • AJ Riley
    • Danny Riley
    • Tyler Wilson
    • Peter Zakrevski
    • Edgardo Cruz (1st alternate)
  • Women
    • Diana Aleksieva
    • Jessica Colleran
    • Julia Doubson
    • Bridget Hall
    • Kirsten Mayland
    • Oriana Riley
    • Grace Zoppi (1st alternate)

2022 WOC Team Announced

The WOC Selection Committee (Jeff Saeger, Glen Tryson & Peggy Dickison) is pleased to announce the US Team for this year’s World Orienteering Championships in Denmark. This years championships, to be held June 26-30, will be the first WOC to focus exclusively on the sprint discipline (aka Sprint WOC). Future WOC’s will alternate between Forest WOC & Sprint WOC formats.

The first event will be a Sprint Relay in the town of Kolding which includes an old town area with asymmetrical street patterns including the castle Koldinghus dating from around 1200 that rises about 20m above the town.

Image: Hubertus, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The second event will consist of qualifying and final rounds of a Knock-Out Sprint in and around the military fortifications of Fredericia, characterized by hilly ramparts now covered by grass and forest. Within the fortifications lies the town proper with a symmetrical road network divided into quadrants.

Image: CC BY-SA 1.0 via WikiTravel

The final events of the championship will be the Individual Sprint qualification and final races in the Danish town of Vejle including a complex old town area with shopping streets, backyards and narrow alleyways. Modern residential areas with public buildings and schools are also present. To the north lies a steep 90m slope with deep ravines and partly vegetated with deciduous forest areas. To the south lies a flat area cut by multiple railways and two water courses passable by bridges and, in some cases, tunnels.

Privat fotograf, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Because the sprint relay team consists of 2 men + 2 women, TeamUSA will be sending three men and three women to this year’s competition. Congratulations to the following athletes selected to represent the US at this years Sprint WOC:

  • Men
    • Joe Barrett – QOC
    • Sergei Ryzhkov – DVOA
    • Ricardo Schaniel – Bussola OK
    • Eric Bone – COC (alternate)
  • Women
    • Tori Borish – RMOC
    • Evalin Brautigam – WCOC
    • Alison Campbell – DVOA
    • Oriana Riley – DVOA (alternate)

Because the relay is the first event, it has been pre-determined that Joe Barrett, Ricardo Schaniel, Tori Borish, and Evalin Brautigam will run the relay, running order to be determined.

There will also be a WOC Tour held concurrently with 3 Sprint races held on the same terrains the WOC competitors will face plus 3 Forest Middle distance races for spectators to enjoy. Come to Denmark and cheer on TeamUSA and get a solid week of races in for yourself as well!

National Team adds two new members

The National Team Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is pleased to announce the addition of two new athletes to the Junior Squad roster.

Oriana Riley from the Delaware Valley Orienteering Association is currently attending Stanford University. She has been competing consistently this year at the Georgia O-Fest in January including the Sprint WRE in F-21+, the Big Woods Classic NRE in March and most recently the West Point NRE held this past weekend in New York where she took part in the WOC Team Trials in F-21+. She is currently nationally ranked 6th in F-20.

Zoe Sibthorp from the Cascade Orienteering Club joins Oriana on the Junior Squad and currently attends Woodinville Montessori High School in Washington. Zoe is currently ranked 5th in F-20 having recently competed at the Lighthouse Middle NRE in February and the OUSA Junior Nationals in early April.

Congratulations to both of you and we look forward to your continued success as members of TeamUSA!!

TeamUSA: WOC Team Trials update

The National Team ESC has announced that races at the 42nd West Point National Ranking Event weekend will serve as team trials to select a team to compete at the World Orienteering Championships to be held June 26-30 in Denmark.

This year’s WOC will be a ‘sprint-WOC’ featuring a Sprint Relay, Knockout Sprint and Individual Sprint events. As such, the Saturday afternoon sprint (4/23) at Trophy Point will be one of two trials races for team hopefuls. An additional Friday sprint (4/22) is scheduled (pending permitting) to be held at Fort Tryon Park in New York City to serve as the second trials race.

Additional information regarding the Friday sprint will be forthcoming as details are confirmed. At this time only Red & Blue courses will be offered and may be open to non-trialers pending decision of the organizers. Of course the full slate of sprint courses on offer as part of the S/M/L event at West Point are open to all.