
Find your closest club.
Many of these clubs operate over a large area so be sure to check out their calendar for the closest events!
Usage: Type in your zip code (recommended) at the top of the map or your state in the search field below the map.
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Club Listing
Note: Many clubs operate over a multi-state area and are listed by the state the are headquartered in.
- Alabama
- Vulcan Orienteering Club (VOC)
- Alaska
- Arctic Orienteering Club (ARCTIC)
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Bay Area Orienteering Club (BAOC)
- Gold Country Orienteers (GCO)
- Los Angeles Orienteering Club (LAOC)
- *Nav-X Map Adventures (NAVX)
- San Diego Orienteering (SDO)
- *Truckee Orienteering Club (TRUCKEE)
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Georgia
- Georgia Orienteering Club (GAOC)
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Orienteer Kansas (OK)
- Possum Trot Orienteering Club (PTOC)
- Kentucky
- Orienteering Louisville (OLOU)
- **With A Map
- Louisiana
- *Ark-La-Tex Orienteering Society (ALTOS)
- Massachusetts
- Cambridge Sports Union (CSU)
- *Navigation Games (NavGames)
- New England Orienteering Club (NEOC)
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Minnesota Orienteering Club (MNOC)
- Missouri
- St Louis Orienteering Club (SLOC)
- Montana
- *Grizzly Orienteering Club (GrizO)
- North Carolina
- New Hampshire
- Up North Orienteers (UNO)
- New Mexico
- New Mexico Orienteers (NMO)
- New York
- Buffalo Orienteering Club (BFLO)
- *Capital Region Nordic Alliance (CRNA)
- Central New York Orienteering (CNYO)
- Empire Orienteering Club (EMPO)
- Hudson Valley Orienteering (HVO)
- Long Island Orienteering Club (LIOC)
- *North Country Orienteering (NCO)
- Rochester Orienteering Club (ROC)
- United States Military Academy Orienteering (USMAOC)
- Ohio
- Orienteering Cincinnati (OCIN)
- Central Ohio Orienteers (COO)
- *Miami Valley Orienteering Club (MVOC)
- Northeastern Ohio Orienteering Club (NEOOC)
- Oregon
- Columbia River Orienteering Club (CROC)
- *Mt Hood Orienteering (MTHD)
- Pennsylvania
- Tennesee
- Nashville Orienteering (NashO)
- Texas
- Utah
- *Orienteering Utah (OUTAH)
- Virginia
- Vermont
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
- *Laramie Range Orienteering Club (LROC)
- *Speed Goat Orienteering (SGO)
‘*’ denotes Associate Members – smaller clubs less than 3 years old or having fewer than 8 members
‘**’ denotes Supporting Members -typically ‘for profit’ event promoters that offer quality orienteering events outside of the typical non-profit club organization.