
Orienteering USA hosts a monthly series of Orienteering Forums that focus on a wide variety of topics suggested by OUSA participants and clubs. If you are interested in presenting on a topic, or want to request a specific topic, let us know!

Next Forum

February 13th, 8:30pm ET: NRE Course Design – The Course Consulting Process”, presented by Glen Tryson.

After an event is sanctioned as a National Ranking Event (NRE), a course consultant is assigned by OUSA to assist with course design and planning.  We’ll briefly discuss the role of the course consultant, the course consulting process, and how course designers can best utilize a consultant.  We’ll spend most of the time in an open discussion of some examples of how course designer/consultant interaction can help improve course designs.

Join on Google Meet on February 13th at 8:30pm ET.
Add to your Google Calendar

Previous O-Forums

Recordings of previous monthly forums are available in a YouTube playlist.

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