Permanent & DIY Courses
What is a permanent / DIY course?
Permanent Courses: Most orienteering courses are removed when the event is over. A permanent course is not tied to an event, remains available year-round, and can be used at any time by anyone who has printed a course map from the web.
In these courses, the control markers are not flags. They may be numbered posts, signs, or in some cases, simply urban features that require a question answered at the feature as proof of visiting.
DIY Courses: During the height of the COVID pandemic many clubs developed a series of courses designed to be run Do-It-Yourself style: visit the club website, agree to the waiver (these are not formal ‘events’), download and print your own map and venture out into the woods. Many of our clubs continue to offer these low-ley opportunities even as we get back to regularly scheduled events. These events are typically in place for a couple of weeks and may have regular orienteering flags and/or streamers marking the control locations. Note: DIY courses are not shown on the locator map due to their short-term nature. Check with your local club to see what DIY opportunities exist in your area.
Have fun out there!
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Page header photo courtesy of John Godino, Columbia River Orienteering Club