Puzzle Friday: Black Hills State University

Happy New Year everyone!! Just a quick post to bring you a puzzle version of the January YMP Map of the Month: Black Hills State University in Spearfish, SD. We’ll be highlighting the Map of the Month in a future post, so stay tuned for more details on this brand new map.

Winter Training Challenge

Looking for that little bit of extra motivation for your winter training this season? Orienteering USA is excited to unveil a new peer-to-peer fundraising platform that will allow you to enlist family & friends to support your training and help advance orienteering by making donations on your behalf to Orienteering USA.

We make it simple by providing a platform to easily create a personal fundraising page, track your progress and process online donations in a secure fashion.

The Winter Training Challenge will run for three months from December 1st, 2020 through February 28th, 2021. Your personal challenge can span the entire 13-week period, focus on a smaller range of dates or target just a single event – the choice is up to you and your own goal setting. A few possibilities:

  • Weekly Mileage Goal – supporters can donate for each week you meet your personal goal
  • Streaker – challenge yourself to do some training every day over the challenge period
  • Controls Visited – how many training/event controls can you visit during these three months?
  • Enter a Fat-Ass style timed ultra – how many miles/laps can you do in a fixed time period?
  • Find more ideas here, here and here.

How to Build Your Own Custom Fundraising Page

  1. Visit the Winter Training Challenge Campaign Page
  2. Click the ‘Become a Fundraiser‘ button in the upper right
  3. Log-in with your Orienteering USA credentials
  4. Enter content for your custom Fundraising Page
    • Fundraising Page Title – use default
    • Fundraising Page URL – use default
    • Your Fundraising Goal – enter the dollar amount you would like to raise through your challenge
      • NOTE: leaving this blank will default to the overall campaign goal of $20,000
    • Current Photo – upload a personal photo for your fundraising page
    • My Page Content – Create a paragraph describing your personal challenge goals using the editing tools to get creative.
      • You can include additional photos and links to AttackPoint or Strava training logs so supporters can follow your activity.
  5. Click on the ‘Save‘ button. It is that easy!
  6. Click on the ‘View My Fundraising Page‘ button in the upper right to review your custom page.
    • Copy the URL from the browser address bar and share with family, friends and colleagues once you are satisfied with your page design.
  7. Happy Fundraising!!
Click on the image to view a typical Fundraising Page

How will funds raised be used?

All funds raised through the Winter Training Challenge will be designated as unencumbered funds and will be used to support Orienteering USA essential operations as well as national initiatives such as TeamUSA, Youth Mapping Program EventReg registration services for clubs, online training courses and much more. 

Orienteering USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization so all donations are tax deductible!! Please note that your supporters can still donate to targeted OUSA initiatives such as TeamUSA through the standard donation portal, but such donations will not count toward the Winter Training Challenge campaign totals.

2020 Golden Service Awards

Each year Orienteering USA recognizes several individuals that have provided service to the sport of orienteering beyond the club level by playing key roles at National Events, organizing training camps and festivals, serving on boards or committees at the national level and more. This year we award the Golden Service Award to the following seven individuals. Congratulations to all of you and Thank You for your efforts!

  • John Brady (COC) – John has worked tirelessly to promote youth orienteering as long-time coach of Tahoma Orienteering in the Washington Interscholastic Orienteering League as well as mentoring a new generation of coaches in the WIOL. He is a prolific mapper and this year with the reduced orienteering due to the coronavirus pandemic has developed a extensive series of DIY options for youth and their families, hosted a summer training camp and is currently running a fall covid-safe series of sprint events.
  • Shane Dawalt (OCIN) – Shane regularly manages download at local events and is a member of the results team for the Flying Pig NRE events. He has taken it upon himself to improve the software for results display screens which are used for both local and NRE events. He has implemented and administers a database which helps the club grow and track competition status for the Tri-State Orienteering League (TROL). Shane regularly serves as course setter for both local and national events.
  • Mary Jones (OK) – Mary has served as President of Orienteer Kansas for decades and was the meet director for the 2013 US Interscholastic & Intercollegiate Champs. For the past 5 years she has directed the orienteering event in the Kansas State Sunflower Games inviting participants from across the state of Kansas to the sport of orienteering. She has been actively promoting Orienteering for Women in the Kansas City area and has run events at Fort Leavenworth Army Base benefiting military families for a number of years.
  • Cristina Luis (TSN) – Cristina was a founding member of the OUSA Tech Committee launching numerous initiatives such as the website revamp. She has also served on the selection committee for the US National Team, serving many roles including WOC Team Manager for three years. She is also a primary organizer and webmaster for the Southwest Spring Orienteering Week Festival.
  • B Brooke Mann (RMOC) – Brooke has been an instrumental volunteer assisting with promotion and organization of Laramie Daze in Wyoming as well as the Southwest Spring O Fests in Arizona. She is a skilled photographer providing engaging media content for both local/regional events and providing media to Orienteering USA national media channels. She handles webmaster, secretary and registrar duties for RMOC, her primary club in Colorado as well as being involved with most of the local events.
  • Allan Pincus (LAOC) – Allan has served on the LAOC board and is the point person for EventReg handling registration duties for at least 6 National events including the US Trail-O and Relay Champs in 2017. EventReg is used for all local LAOC events and Allan coordinates all event configuration to ensure a smooth registration process.
  • Jon Torrance (QOC) – Jon has been involved with QOC in a variety of volunteer positions for over 2 decades and is also involved at the national level presently serving as the OUSA Vice President of Competition. Jon takes on key leadership positions in nationally sanctioned events including meet director of the US Night & Ultralong Champs in 2014, heading up the course setting & vetting team for the US Classic 2-Day Champs in 2017 and returned to the meet director role for the Junior Nationals held on the Marine Corp Base at Quantico in 2019. Jon is also involved in the mapping process for many of the maps used for these high caliber events. He is a strong advocate for QOC hosting at least one NRE each year including an event coming up in December on a new map at Prince Willian Forest.

Once again Orienteering USA would like to extend its gratitude and congratulations to these tireless individuals who have given so much of their time and expertise to the promotion of orienteering in the US. A list of previous Golden Service Award winners can be found on the OrienteeringUSA website.

OUSA Recommendations for Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Transmission at Events

Orienteering USA has approved the following recommendations for holding events in the new coronavirus era. These recommendations are required for OUSA sanctioned NRE events. Clubs holding local events are strongly encouraged to follow these recommendations as well, in conjunction with local, state & federal guidelines in place at the time of the event.

These guidelines will remain effective through December 31st, 2021 and will be updated by the OUSA Board as necessitated by the shifting realities of the pandemic. Please note that certain OUSA Rules of Competition are waived or otherwise modified for the duration of these guidelines.

Any additional suggestions for these guidelines should be directed to Joe Huberman, VP Club Services.


CRNA Offering Free Virtual Trail-O Course

The Capital Region Nordic Alliance will be hosting a series of four online Trail-O training sessions over the next five weeks. This course is intended as an introduction to Trail-O and is free of charge. Each class will cover fundamentals and progressively utilize more training and virtual Trail-O’s throughout the four sessions. Classes will be conducted via Zoom and pre-registration is required.

Sessions are scheduled for:
Tuesday, July 21, 11AM Eastern
Tuesday, July 28, 11AM Eastern
Tuesday, August 11, 11AM Eastern
Tuesday, August 18, 11AM Eastern

Register at: {expired link removed}