2024 Silva Award Winner: Clinton Morse

Clinton Morse is posthumously awarded the 2024 Silva Award for his decades of service to the sport of orienteering in and around Connecticut and especially across the nation. Clinton’s untimely death in July has been a sad and terrible loss for his family, friends, and the local and national orienteering community. He was always eager to take on significant projects and assist others with thorny issues, especially technical ones. His absence is leaving a gaping hole for so many.

Photo by Nadim Ahmed

Clinton became active in orienteering and WCOC over 20 years ago. He did the field work and drafting for several local maps including Gay City State Park, Crandalls Town Park, Coops Sawmill, and the University of Connecticut (UConn) sprint map. He was currently working on completely re-mapping and expanding Brooksvale Park near New Haven, CT. He had plans to help the club revise some of their other outdated maps. He was the manager of much of WCOC’s event equipment and set courses for numerous local events, including a Billygoat. He also organized national events himself. In the spring of 2024, he single-handedly put on the Sprint Team Trials for the US World Orienteering Championship team at UConn—an event that had Clinton as mapmaker, course setter, registrar, and meet director. Clinton was living proof that one person can put on a national event, especially with some helpers on event day. It was a resounding success.

Clinton has been the Orienteering USA Communications Manager since he retired from UConn in 2020. In that capacity, he was the OUSA webmaster, published the monthly OUSA online newsletter, published the much-heralded Year in Review, and coordinated social media for the organization. His work has raised the bar for OUSA’s media and communications and set wonderful precedents for those who will come after him. He traveled to a majority of the National Ranking Events held during his tenure to take photographs, write up event summaries, and participate in the competitions. He drove countless miles (actually not countless, he did track them) in his converted camping truck to attend these venues, often crossing the country in only a few days to get to an important event. When he attended these competitions, he often helped do whatever he was asked to help with. For example, at the World Games in Birmingham in 2022, he assisted with equipment setup and doing whatever people needed done even as he was photographing and managing the publicity for the orienteering events.

In his capacity as OUSA Communication’s Manager, Clinton Morse was best known as a photographer and a dedicated and passionate advocate for all clubs hosting events and all orienteers finishing them. He quickly got his own course out of the way to photograph others finishing. Clinton’s tasking was only to provide general content for OUSA’s social media, but his passion for photography and his fellow orienteers led him to create a tremendous photo library expressing the immense joys of our sport.

Clinton stepped into a role that was defined on paper as a communication role, and made it his own, with an infectious knack for sharing the best of our community and our sport, in photos, video, newsletters, and simply sharing ideas with others. In that role, Clinton also became a valuable sounding board for anyone in any club that was facing communication challenges and needed some wisdom and perspective.

Clinton defined what it means to be a community builder. Always happy to connect with other orienteers about their events—past, present, and future—he not only helped promote those events but also drove across the country many times to be a part of national events all over the country. There are stories of Clint, as a spontaneous volunteer, going out on snowshoes in negative 14 degree weather at the 2023 US Ski-O Championships to take epic photographs of activity that would otherwise have been missed in the cold.

When the year was over, he produced an annual retrospect of the year’s top events and promotions for the coming year. These have become keepsakes for many OUSA members, reminding them of what US orienteering is at its best. They are now also a reminder that Clinton Morse represented the best of orienteering in everything he did.

Clinton was a fixture at most recent big NREs for his work as OUSA’s Communications Manager, taking photos of orienteers in-the-woods and finishing. But at many NRE’s, he volunteered for various duties well beyond his official duties. Because he needed to pre-run courses, he reduced the hosting club’s need to find prerunners to turn on the SportIdent SIAC-enabled units. He set up his truck-camper for use as download, using an awning that was part of the camper conversion. He volunteered on many occasions to help pull controls after a day’s events.

Clinton Morse exemplified the true spirit of orienteering. His enthusiasm, dedication, and passion, and friendship can never be replaced and he will be sorely missed.

Also see 89 tributes and memories on AttackPoint discussion thread “Clinton Morse”

2024 Golden Service Awards

Gregory Balter, Delaware Valley Orienteering Association (DVOA)/Grizzly
Orienteering (GrizO)

Ever since Grizzly Orienteering was founded, Gregory has been a fantastic supporter and advocate for the club. When Grizzly Orienteering decided to host their first-ever NRE in 2022, Gregory volunteered to create the base map for the area they used. He then flew out to field-check the Lubrecht map, served as a course consultant and took on the task of printing maps for the entire three-day festival, doing all these things with a fantastic attitude, excellent expertise, and the appropriate timeliness to have everything ready in time for the NRE. During the festival itself, Gregory helped put out and pick up controls, and helped out everywhere he could with the new club’s first big event. When it was time for GrizO to host four days of NREs as part of the Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival this year, Gregory stepped up again, expanding the Lubrecht map, creating the base map and doing some initial field checking for the Soft Rock map, as well as doing all the map printing for all four days once again. He has done all this work voluntarily, with the sole goal of hoping to see orienteering in this country spread and grow.

Ralph Courtney, North Texas Orienteering Association (NTOA)

Ralph has been an enthusiastic orienteer and member of NTOA since 1996, including serving as equipment manager for over 20 years. He maintains their Orienteering trailer with all of the equipment that he takes to the meets. He is one of the first to arrive at a meet and one of the last to leave – helping to setup and take down equipment.

A lifelong Boy Scout, Ralph edited the 2003 edition of the Boy Scout Orienteering Merit Badge book. He has been teaching Orienteering at Philmont Boy Scout Ranch to hundreds of Scout Masters since 2009. The Scout Masters take this knowledge back to teach Orienteering to the scouts at their troops. Ralph teaches Beginner and Boy Scout Orienteering clinics prior to most of NTOAs meets.

He has created or updated over 20 orienteering maps. He coordinates our NTOA mapping, including the new map for the 2025 OUSA Junior Nationals that NTOA will hold.
Ralph is meet director or course setter for two NTOA events every year. He was course setter for 2007 Junior Nationals, was meet director for 2017 Junior Nationals, and is course setter for 2025 Junior Nationals.
Ralph is NTOA scout liaison, coordinating use of scout camps/ranches for our orienteering meets. He set up three permanent orienteering courses at Boy Scout camps.
He has taught classes and set courses for every one of the Texas Junior Orienteering Camps (TJOCs) since 1998 for high school students from across the United States. Multiple TJOC students later become junior national orienteering champs.

Peg Davis, Tucson Orienteering Club (TSN)

Peg Davis began orienteering with the Tucson Orienteering Club 35 years ago and quickly became an integral volunteer. She started by managing the newsletter and PR, then expanded her involvement by directing numerous events each year and teaching dozens of beginner clinics. Over time, Peg took on leadership roles, including Vice President and President of the club’s Board of Directors. She served as the event director for the 2001 North American Rogaining Championships and the highly successful2004 World Rogaining Championships.

Even years after hosting these major events, Peg remains a central figure in Tucson’s orienteering community. Her efforts help draw orienteers from around the world to the annual Southwest Spring Week (formerly Weekend), where she consistently fills essential roles—whether as event director,volunteer coordinator, social organizer, guest house host, or anything else needed to ensure a memorable experience for all attendees.

Jeanette Dunlap, Orienteering Louisville (OLOU)

Jeanette has been a continuous supporter of Orienteering Louisville for many years now. She has designed and set up Maze-O courses. She regularly handles photography duties at meets. She brings baked goods to their pitch-ins. She promotes the sport to new people.

Jeanette organized all the food for this summer’s Carter Caves Junior Orienteering Camp (CCJOC). She led the other volunteers in preparing, serving, and cleanup so that the youth and staff could have healthy, delicious meals to keep them going strong. She was instrumental to the success of the camp. Jeanette also led the JWOC/WUOC Lunch Fundraiser at Flying Pig XXVI. She helped develop the recipes, tested them, and modified to ensure that the vegan option was as premium as the standard. She did all the shopping, much of the prep work, and most of the assembly. She also distributed the lunches at the meet and sold the extra sandwiches she made to maximize profit for the OUSA Teams. This fundraiser made about $2000 for the teams.

Additionally, she is helping the OUSA Youth Development Program (YDP) with a few tasks. Jeanette does not run any courses herself. She does this because her kids love orienteering, and she wants to see the sport succeed and grow.

Bridget Hall, New England Orienteering Club (NEOC)

Bridget Hall has expended massive volunteer efforts on behalf of NEOC and OUSA. Bridget has been contributing since early 2020 to the development of our young orienteers at the national level and building the community around them. During 2020 and 2021, the two toughest years in the lives of our young athletes, unable to travel, compete, and technically without a solid coaching structure, Bridget was one of the former National Junior Program juniors who helped keep her peers motivated, engaged them in online training and exchanges and helped start the bridging to the National Team. Following the merger of the Junior National Team with the National Team at the start of 2022, Bridget was there as captain of the JWOC team in her last JWOC year, reaching out and motivating her peers, as well as building bridges between the National athletes and the Junior Squad.

As the main author of the US Team Blog, she has been instrumental in bringing the National Team athletes closer to its supporters, the OUSA community. Bridget reaches out to the athletes with the topic for a post, asks for athletes to author articles or does so herself, uses guiding questions if the authors are younger, asks for maps and photos, and assists in creating the blog post if needed. For some readers, these posts bring back a little bit of the way-back-when articles in Orienteering North America, and for others they are just one way of hearing directly from the young athletes and things that make an impression on them in the World of Orienteering.

She has further gotten engaged in the Youth Development Program (YDP). She facilitates the bridging between the young YDP athletes and the National Team athletes. Many of the current National Team members are former National Junior Program athletes and have not forgotten what it meant to have that support from the community, and many of them, including Bridget, are ready to give back to the community by supporting and engaging in many of the Youth Development Initiatives since the creation of that VP position. She has included YDP athletes in some of the US Team Blog posts where appropriate and has been welcoming to YDP athletes on their first AP logging.

Bridget is a contributor to OUSA’s Youth Mapping Program, where she completed her first map as a volunteer. She has completed three subsequent YMP maps but more importantly has gained proficiency, confidence, and experience as an orienteering mapper.

She is the type of young leader that any club would be lucky to have, and she represented OrienteeringUSA at the IOF’s 2024 Young Leader’s Academy in the Italian Dolomites in conjunction with the “5 Days Italy” event.

Finally, at the club level, Bridget has been a mainstay of day-of event volunteering since her early teenage years. More importantly, she has organized (or co-organized) four years of 5-event winter training series and contributed course designs to the 2022 regional training camp and the 2022 US Masters Championships. She has co-meet directed (including designing/setting courses) multiple club events.

Bridget is an exceptional Young Leader in orienteering for all that she has
contributed at the local club, regional, national, and international level. The
future of our sport is in good hands with the active involvement of Bridget and
those like her.

Bruce Moore, Orienteering Louisville / Nashville Orienteering Club (NASH-O)

Bruce Moore has volunteered and passionately promoted orienteering for more
than 40 years. Here are some of the highlights of his service:

Over four years ago, Bruce Moore undertook the challenge of starting a new
orienteering club from scratch in middle Tennessee. This incorporated every
aspect of running a club. His work included finding, organizing, educating,
leading and retaining members. Bruce marketed orienteering to the local and
regional community, gained permissions and coordinated with multiple venues to
promote and implement orienteering events in Tennessee.

Bruce’s tireless efforts brought Nashville Orienteering Club (NASH-O) to life.

Additionally, Bruce gave countless hours contributing his expertise and
personal equipment to produce more than seven maps for NASH-O.

Beyond NASH-O, Bruce created “With A Map” – a customizable interactive program
that combines cognitive learning and physical activity to introduce and educate
new orienteers in large to small spaces or even indoors. Bruce donated and
implemented his “With A Map” programs in multiple locations and events. Bruce
volunteered to run fundraiser maze events at the OCIN Flying Pig.

Bruce has performed decades of volunteer service for multiple OLOU and OCIN
national events including course setting, map updating, and general volunteer

Notably, Bruce organized the first regional event for OLOU, ICO, and OCIN that
included a Classic Event, a Night O, and a Sprint Relay. This event is expected
to become an annual event for regional club bragging rights.

Bruce has worked with dozens of schools, organizations, and JROTC groups to
teach, coach and grow the sport of orienteering. His work has positively
impacted the lives of hundreds of people.

Bruce has gone above and beyond as a volunteer, giving of his time and
experience to expand and improve the existing clubs of OCIN, OLOU and ICO, as
well as breathe life into NASH-O.

Dick Neuburger, Possum Trot Orienteering Club (PTOC)

Dick Neuburger has been a veteran of orienteering in the Kansas City area for
40 years. He has been crucial to the success of Possum Trot Orienteering Club
by being President, organizer, event director, archive researcher, data
collector, mapper, and so many other projects and job titles. He was event
director for the Possum Trot (national event) for more than 20 years. He also
volunteered at several World Masters Championships around the world.

He has helped the boy scouts organization, school O programs, summer
children’s events, and Johnson County Parks & Rec annual orienteering

He has been such a large part of orienteering here in KC and around
the country.

Dylan Poe, Orienteering Cincinnati (OCIN)

Dylan Poe, of Orienteering Cincinnati, was elected to the OUSA board in 2022 at
the age of 23. When the position became open in 2023, Dylan volunteered and is
now OUSA Secretary. In October 2023, he supported a proposal for OUSA to pay
for a National Federation license for Livelox, and volunteered to be the
liaison to implement Livelox for OUSA clubs. He reports regularly on Livelox
usage statistics to OUSA, has developed training materials for Livelox, and
helped many club volunteers figure out how to load their events and use the
Livelox tools effectively.

Dylan is also heavily involved with orienteering Youth development: He coached
junior teams at NAOC in California in 2023 and organized junior training
sessions at the 2024 Junior Nationals held by COC near George, WA. He helped
with course setting and coaching for Carter Caves Junior Orienteering Camp in

  1. He is a recognized advocate for the OUSA Junior Development Program.

He’s done Course Setting for local meets for both OCIN and ICO, and for OCIN’s
Flying Pig NRE including the OUSA Masters Nationals in 2024. He started doing
map updates while course setting, and has grown into actual mapping, even to
the level of processing lidar data to make orienteering basemaps, with the
intention of making new maps for another club, Indiana Crossroads Orienteering,
as well as OCIN.

He started orienteering in 2012 as an 8th grader at Union County Middle School.
He was named to the OUSA Junior National Team in 2017, and the Junior
Development Team in 2018. He represented the USA at the 2024 World University
Orienteering Championships (WUOC) in Bulgaria.

Dylan Poe’s service to the community of orienteering reflects great credit upon
himself, Orienteering Cincinnati, and Orienteering USA.

Charles Scharlau, Backwoods Orienteering Klub (BOK)

Charles is locally, nationally and internationally active in Radio
Orienteering. He introduced Radio-O to BOK when he directed and set a national
championship in 2006. Since then, he has designed and set courses for the US
Radio-O Champs in 2013, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

With a few others, in 2019, he set up and has been leading the Radio
Orienteering Committee which standardizes the US rules, selects the US team and
coordinates with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the International
Amateur Radio Union (IARU).

In order to set up and compete in Radio Orienteering, specialized radio
transmitters and receivers are necessary. Charles has designed and built
transmitters and antennas to make course setting easier and events more
dependable. His current project is designing an open source transmitter and
receiver that will cut the cost of entry for competitors and clubs in half.

Charles has consistently given up his chance to compete at our local events and
National Champs in order to set the courses for everyone else.

Ralph Tolbert, Delaware Valley Orienteering Association (DVOA)

Ralph was President of DVOA from 2004 to 2008. In addition to hosting many
local events during that time, he was also a course setter for two national
events, one in 2005 and one in 2007. Since that time, his contributions have
been more behind the scenes but no less important; he was on the vetting team
for DVOA’s national events in 2008, 2014, 2015, 2021 and 2022. In 2012, he was
the lead vetter for NAOC. He was an advisor for DVOA’s national event in 2023
and has stepped up again to be on the vetting team for our upcoming event in
October 2024. Part of the reason DVOA is able to host national events on an
almost yearly basis, is because we have club members like Ralph Tolbert willing
to contribute their time and expertise to the sometimes thankless role of
vetter. The club is truly lucky to have a volunteer like Ralph Tolbert!

Rex Winterbottom, NAV-X Map Adventures (NAVX)

While Rex’s official club is NAVX, he is also an important event coordinator
for BAOC as well as running his own event company Terraloco.

Rex loves to bring together orienteers from around the region in unique ways.
He is often looking for new venues and opportunities to host festivals that
will bring folks from different areas and backgrounds to competition. This year
alone, he has helped both SDO and LAOC to host sprint festivals by helping with
finding venues and course setting multiple sprint courses, traveling outside of
his home area to enable regional competition. He is also hosting a State
Championship event later this year that promises some fun North vs South

Rex’s dedication to the sport of orienteering in the State of California and
for all California clubs is not questioned. He has been an innovator for quite
a while now.

While some of Rex’s work toward orienteering is paid, much of
the event planning and course setting that he brings to the state is
accomplished as a volunteer or simply with reimbursement of travel expense. Rex
has helped to make California a more interesting place to be involved in
orienteering and has helped to bring the clubs and their members together as a
state competitive family.

2024 Orienteering USA President’s Award

Blaik Mathews, Florida Orienteering (FLO)
Dylan Poe, Orienteering Cincinnati (OCIN)

Blaik Mathews and Dylan Poe are recognized for their contributions to starting a
National Livelox subscription as a service for OUSA orienteering clubs.

In August of 2023, Blaik Mathews of Florida Orienteering reached out to Orienteering USA with the idea to bring Livelox services to all OUSA clubs. FLO had been using the Livelox software and working with Livelox on software improvements and Blaik felt it could be a great service for all of our clubs to have access to. The OUSA board agreed to form a task force to investigate a Livelox subscription in October of 2023 and new board member Dylan Poe volunteered to take the lead role for the Federation.

Blaik and Dylan have put in countless hours since then making the National Livelox subscription a reality. This has included negotiating with Livelox to get OUSA the best possible deal for our clubs, promoting the Livelox initiative to our clubs, preparing educational materials for clubs and event participants to help them implement use of the software, and participating in monthly forums to share expertise and spread the word about Livelox.

Dylan also continues to serve as the official Board representative attached to the Livelox project and keeps the board informed on usage, engagement, and club issues. OUSA greatly appreciates the work that both Blaik and Dylan have put into this initiative and looks forward to our future relationship with Livelox.

Clinton Morse

Photo by Nadim Ahmed

Orienteering USA is deeply saddened to announce the sudden passing of Clinton Morse, National Communications Manager, on July 12, 2024. He suffered a fatal heart attack after his morning run. Clinton was 62 years old. His untimely loss leaves a big gap in our hearts, and will be felt throughout the orienteering community. We offer our deepest condolences to his wife Ellen, his children Anna, Hayden, and Jackson, as well as to his extended family and friends.  

He was a wonderful human being who also did a great deal of OUSA publicity, including the monthly newsletter, Year In Review, social media posts, and anything else he was asked. Clinton is most famous as the guy with the camera who was running around like a maniac near the O-meet finish line to take your photo.  You couldn’t breathe, but suddenly you wanted to try to look good in the shot. He had a gift for highlighting our best orienteering selves, whether that was in words or in images.

Clint was a graduate of Cornell, and most of his career was in horticulture.  He was the manager of the greenhouse and botanical collections at the University of Connecticut until his retirement in 2020.  Besides his official OUSA role, Clinton was an enthusiastic orienteer, trail runner, and Rogainer, and was a mapper as well as a frequent course setter. Most recently, he single-handedly produced the Team Trials for the US World Orienteering Championship team at UConn, from maps to courses to results.

Photo by Nadim Ahmed

Nominations sought for 2024 Silva & Golden Service Awards

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Orienteering USA will be held virtually on Tuesday, September 24th, 2024. One of the highlights of the AGM is the announcement of the annual Silva & Golden Service awards to recognize individuals who have contributed to our sport both at the national and club level. Nominations are now being accepted for both of these prestigious awards and are due by Sunday, September 15th.

Photo of 2023 Silva Award winner Andrea Schneider at NAOC 2023 in California.

Applications open for 52nd CISM World Military Orienteering Team

The 52nd CISM World Military Orienteering Championships (the other WMOC) will take place from October 16-22, 2024 in Cartagena, Spain. This competition is open to active duty personnel from all branches of the military.

Services are now accepting applications for the US Team to compete in the CISM Orienteering Championships. Please complete your applications by July 31st, 2024. 

Reach out to your respective service sports office for more information on how to apply through their systems/processes.  Even though orienteering is not listed on many of the service sport calendars or websites, please apply if you are interested and available.  The services will send your applications to Armed Forces Sports and to the selection committee.

Information on the event:

Links below to the service sports sites and details on applying:

Please also email Maiya Anderson with your expression of interest so that she may reach out to the service sport office if she don’t receive your application through official channels.

Permanent Professor & Head, Physical Education Department
Director, AF Combatives Program, Center of Excellence
US Air Force Academy, CO
(719)333-9295/2818, DSN 333-9295/2818

2024 Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival Event Recap

June 21-30, 2024

General Media Links

Friday, June 21: Middle Distance Warmup, Fishtrap Lake, WA

Saturday, June 22: Middle NRE 1, Fisk State Park, Spokane, WA

Sunday, June 23: Middle NRE 2, Fisk State Park, Spokane, WA

Monday, June 24: Riverside State Park, Spokane, WA

  • Results – via SportIdent
  • Livelox – Maps, courses and route analysis

Tuesday, June 25: Holmberg Park, Spokane, WA

  • Results – via SportIdent
  • Livelox – Maps, courses and route analysis

Thursday, June 27: Classic NRE, Larry Creek Rec Area, Florence MT

Friday, June 28: Middle NRE, Soft Rock Rec Area, Ravalli County MT

Saturday, June 29: Long NRE, Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Greenough MT

Sunday, June 30: Sprint NRE, University of Montana, Missoula MT

TeamUSA Athletes selected for 2024 Young Leaders Academy

Three TeamUSA athletes – Bridget Hall (NEOC), Lily Addicott (GAOC) and Oriana Riley (DVOA) were recently selected to represent the United States at the 2024 IOF Young Leaders Academy to be held one month from now in conjunction with the “Five Days Italy” competition in the Dolomites of Italy. These athletes were chosen in a competitive application process earlier this year. Oriana unfortunately will be unable to attend due to prior commitments that have arisen since the awards were announced.

Bridget is “looking forward to a great week of orienteering and, more importantly, spending a week building connections with youth from across the globe while learning skills that can (hopefully) help build orienteering in the United States. I’m excited that this is the first stop on our adventure this summer, and extremely grateful that I get to do the whole thing with Lily.” Lily adds “The Italian 5 day is going to be such a blast with Bridget by my side, and we will bring home a ton of useful connections and information that we can share.

The Orienteering USA Board of Directors, at its most recent meeting on May 20th, voted to award a $300 stipend to each athlete to offset the costs of travel to the academy. The Youth Development Program (YDP) is also providing a $1000 stipend to each athlete. This is just one example of the ways that the YDP supports youth and young adults in developing their competitive interests as well as mapping, event direction, course design, sport journalism, or other aspects of orienteering that they love. All youth are welcome. We especially welcome older youth who would like to inspire younger kids.

Congratulations to all three of these inspirational young ladies on their selection to attend this important conference.

2024 Wilson Character through Competition Awards Announced

Philadelphia, PA — The Wilson Awards, in partnership with Orienteering USA, proudly announce three winners of our 2024 Character through Competition Awards. Paige Suhocki of Freehold of New Jersey along with Ben Cooper and Greta Leonard, both of Maple Valley, Washington, have been chosen to receive this $1,000 award, which honors the memory of our friend and family member, Iain Wilson. The awards seek to amplify the energy and commitment young orienteers bring to our sport and community. While we are delighted when our awardees are successful in local and even international competition, in a broader sense we hope to encourage the kind of character that communicates to others the joy of competing as a shared endeavor.

Paige has been orienteering since the age of 10 and was one of the youngest volunteers at the World Games at just 14. Lena Kushleyeva of Delaware Valley Orienteering Association shared, “She is an energetic and charismatic teenager whose love for orienteering is extremely catching, to both her peers and to adults.” Lena then spoke to her passion for the sport igniting a similar passion in her teammates and its impact on recruiting new orienteers. Paige writes that the resilience she has built through Orienteering “will not only help my performance but will keep me moving forward toward my higher aspirations.”

Paige’s application mentioned something that Iain Wilson and so many orienteers love, “Orienteering has given me a new appreciation for nature and how fortunate I am to experience it in this way.” We are delighted to see Paige’s enthusiasm is so infectious. Paige plans to use this year’s award to extend her Junior World Orienteering Championship (JWOC) participation by visiting Italy to train and compete. Paige was also selected as 2nd Alternate to this year’s Sprint World Orienteering Championships (WOC) team in Scotland in July.

Ben and Greta continue a long tradition of Orienteering excellence amongst athletes from Tahoma High School in Washington state. Like many Wilson Award winners, they compete for their school’s track and cross country teams while balancing a challenging academic workload and extra-curriculars just like our beloved friend, Iain Wilson.

Asked to share his proudest orienteering accomplishments, Ben spoke about his role as a team captain and his passion for mentoring, planning workouts, course setting, updating maps, and designing courses. Ben also states, “Racing allows me to go beyond my limits and gain valuable experience.” Ben clearly loves mentoring opportunities and finds the sport “provides valuable connections with people.” Ing Uhlin, Vice President of Cascade Orienteering Club writes, “What makes Ben stand out is not just his speed and skill in orienteering, but the time and effort that he devotes to others.”

Greta is known for putting her team and learning first. She has volunteered with Cascade Orienteering Club to coach part of an introductory mini-course for over 50 JROTC cadets. She wrote in her application, “In the process of training and competing, intangible gains are realized that have a greater impact on my life. Orienteering has taught me adaptability, grace, and the importance of a positive attitude. Often, a non-podium finish can result in more growth than a win.” John Brady of Cascade Orienteering Club writes about Greta, “She takes feedback so well, is willing to assess her own weaknesses with an open and mature mind, then applies the feedback to try and improve – she is a Respectful Warrior.” 

Paige and Greta will compete in the Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC) in Pilsen, Czechia this summer while Ben is the first alternate on the men’s team. Additionally, previous awards winners Bridget Hall, Alex Merka, Keegan Harkavy, and Thomas Laraia will be competing in this summer’s World University Orienteering Championships (WUOC) with Bridget, Keegan & Thomas also be representing TeamUSA at the World Championships in Scotland (WOC). We wish them all great success!

The committee seeks individuals who have the willingness and ability to see beyond their own individual ambition and spread the spirit that brightens their lives and the lives of those around them. We feel their enthusiasm for the outdoors, for running, for navigation, and for their fellow competitors sets an example for all of us.

Iain’s college roommate and committee member Anthony Belber notes, “What stands out about all the applicants for this year’s award is how invested in the sport these young people are and how much they are growing and learning from their investment. Not only have our award winners given back to their orienteering communities, but they are being shaped and developed into fine leaders and competitors by their experiences in the sport and within those broader communities.”

Applications for the 2025 Wilson Awards will be accepted later this fall. Additional information can be found at  https://orienteeringusa.org/about/recognition/#wilson.

Official Press Release (PDF)

Virtual AGM – 2024

The 2024 Orienteering USA Annual General Meeting will take place online on Tuesday, September 24 from 8:00 to 10:00 pm (EDT) via Google Meet.

Your membership in Orienteering USA helps us to bring programs and services to orienteers and clubs throughout the country. Thank you for your support.


Clare Durand
President, Orienteering USA

Access the meeting

Online: September 24, 8:00-10:00 pm EDT
Note: Delegates should log in 20-30 minutes early for credentialing.
This will allow the meeting to start ontime.
URL: meet.google.com/owu-xpnp-hap
Phone: (US) +1 650-779-0131‬ PIN: ‪560 916 595‬#


Club Membership Lists

As outlined in the OUSA Bylaws, the number of votes your club’s delegates may cast is based on the number of OUSA members in good standing, designating your club as their primary club, as of July 30, 2024.

All clubs are afforded 1 delegate and 1 alternate. For clubs with more than 25 members, they can choose to have 1 additional delegate and 1 additional alternate for every block of 25 members.

You can find a list of your club members in good standing online here

Please notify the OUSA Office of the names of your delegates and alternates. The delegate appointments should be emailed from a club officer to contact@nullorienteeringusa.org

Delegates and alternates representing your club must be OUSA members, designating your club as their primary club, as of July 31, 2024.

Your club may assign its votes by proxy to another club. The proxy will only be valid if no OUSA-primary member of your club will be present at the AGM. Proxies may not be assigned to a particular member of another club. Email proxy assignments to: contact@nullorienteeringusa.org

Club Proposals

Club Proposal on Punching Systems

Club Proposal on Age Classes

Check your personal memberships

The upcoming AGM presents a good time for all OUSA members to be sure that their information is current in our database. We recommend that you login to our portal and check your profile to be sure that it is accurate. There are known issues in our system that we are still working on. Checking for accuracy is especially recommended if you have family memberships or if you use the auto-renew feature.

Board Candidate Bios

We are still looking for candidates for the fourth open seat. If you are interested in serving, please jon.torrance@nullorienteeringusa.org.

Lily Addicott 2024 – Nomination for the OUSA Board of Directors

Hello! My name is Lily Addicott, I am 21 years old, and I am a senior microbiology student at Clemson University. I began orienteering when I was 14 on my NJROTC’s orienteering team. I found success at Navy NJROTC nationals which inspired me to pursue the U.S. National Team. I have been on the National Team for three years and have loved every second of it. Orienteering has blossomed into one of my biggest passions in life, and I want to give back as much as I can to my community.

I am in the midst of my third year of membership with OUSA, and I try to stay very active with my local club, GAOC. I also help with the Youth Development Program by leading NRE course reviews, and I am working on my coaching certification. I have begun learning how to map as well, and I am working on a local and YMP map. If elected, my biggest focus would be to help grow the sport of orienteering in the United States, with a particular interest in supporting the youth. I am unique in that I am very young with much to learn, but I come with the fresh, nuanced perspective of a newcomer and a junior team member. Making this wonderful sport easily accessible and welcoming is important to me, and I would love to make that my priority on the board. My recreational pursuits already reflect these goals as last year I helped a group of students at my university to start orienteering in which I organized travel and taught.

Faye Doria

Board incumbent Faye Doria, VP of Finance, is running for reelection.

Matthew Robbins

Board incumbent Matthew Robbins is running for reelection.

Incumbent bios can be found with the information from the 2021 AGM.

TeamUSA Announces 2024 WOC Roster

The TeamUSA WOC Team Selection Review Panel – Peggy Dickison (chair), Tyra Christopherson, Jeff Saeger, and Glen Tryson – is pleased to announce the Team members for this summer’s Sprint WOC in Edinburgh, Scotland. There were some very strong results, which made our job difficult. We all feel that we have a strong team, and we look forward to seeing your performances.

Given that the Team will not have a coach at WOC (but there will be a Team Administrator, TBD), the Review Panel will determine who runs in the Relay. There will be one team, with two men and two women; we will announce the members soon. (Note that the Team can decide, as a group and with the Team Administrator, to make changes to the relay make-up if everyone feels it is warranted.)

Congratulations to all the Team members and alternates!

WOC Women

  • Evalin Brautigam (NAOC personal spot)
  • Bridget Hall (automatic qualifier from Sprint Storrs)
  • Alison Campbell
  • Lily Addicott (by petition)
  • 1st Alternate: Oriana Riley
  • 2nd Alternate: Paige Suhocki


  • Joe Barrett (NAOC personal spot)
  • Thomas Laraia (automatic qualifier from Sprint Storrs)
  • Keegan Harkavy
  • Ricardo Schaniel
  • Alternate: Anthony (AJ) Riley

Long Island Classic NRE Event Recap

  • Hosts: Hudson Valley Orienteering (HVO) and Long Island Orienteering Club (LIOC)& Hudson Valley Orienteering
  • Event Director(s): Glen Malings and Ching Hua Chen
  • Course Setter: Taras Kaschuk
  • Course Vetter / Map Coordinator: Stefan Slutsky
  • Registrar – Geof Connor

Results, Photos, Maps & More