JWOC 2020 Team selection will be held by petition.
With the recent cancellation of the 2020 Junior Nationals the JWOC 2020 team selection will take place by submitting a Type I petition which shall be evaluated using the reviewing rubrics listed in the JWOC Selection Criteria.
The completed Type I petition should include as much of the requested information as possible, and be sent to ousajuniorprogram@nullorienteeringusa.org by Friday, April 10, 2020.
Type I Petitions include:
- Evidence that the petitioning athlete has run a 3k time trial. Links to results from significant races over the past 12 months, including championships, other national competitions, and/or international competitions. Head-to-head competition against athletes who are also declared JWOC Team candidates should be highlighted.
- Evidence of the petitioning athlete’s training activity during the 3–12 months leading up to JWOC Team Trials. This should include links to training logs, descriptions of training camps attended, and coaches and/or other athletes who could verify that the training submitted is accurate.
- If applicable, a detailed explanation of the petitioning athlete’s situation and how it precluded him/her from participating in one or more JWOC Team Trials races, or four or more rankable races. The explanation should highlight any inconsistencies in training and/or racing that might be relevant to the situation.